Thursday, November 14, 2019

Tips for Hiring Security Guard Services?

Be it a small business or a major corporation, security guards are an important asset for any company when it comes to protecting its property and assets.

Hiring security guards and investing in employee safety increases employee productivity, increases morale, and improves retention. security guard services

Does your growing business need a security guard? Beyond preventing crime, inspecting buildings for safety hazards, and handling emergencies, an exceptional security guard provides your employees and customers with a priceless sense of security and saves you money by deterring theft and allowing you to focus on growing your business.

Tips for How to Recruit Security Guards:

Security guards maintain a safe working environment for employees and protect customers, property and assets.

To find vigilant, cautious and witty guards, look for qualifications and work experience that reflect the best security skills.

A common misconception when seeking a security officer is that your business will be doing the ‘recruiting’ itself.

To ensure that you’re getting the right personnel for the job, you should look into each company, by asking the following questions:

Is the security guard company in good standing?

Your security guard services company will be responsible for protecting your employees and other business assets. You should make sure that they’re trustworthy by checking their references and ensure their experience lines up with your needs.

Is the agency locally owned or a national chain?

Small agencies will pay more attention and treat you better.

Did the company do background checks on its guards?

Since you’ll be providing these guards clearance in your company, you must ensure that they’re trustworthy. For a start, you should ensure that your services contractor conducted background checks on each of the people they’re sending to your business.

These checks don’t have to be limited to just criminal. In some industries, such as finance and insurance, you might need to extend this to credit and others (this is case-by-case).

Did the company properly train its guards?

Your contractor should have also provided training to its guards.

Is the Company Licensed and Insured?

Agents must be able to provide a valid and up-to-date state license and present an insurance card. Scrutinize the insurance to ensure it adequately covers your situation. 

Know Your Requirements

Before you sign a deal with a security service provider, make sure that you have identified the reason for which you would be rendering their services. The efficacy of the company would be heavily dependent on whether or not they are specialized enough to handle your requirements. Interview with the service provider before you settle down on a final deal to discuss with them what the possible route of your association with the company will be like. This would give you an idea of the compatibility of the company with your needs. security guard services in Hyderabad

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Advantages of Hiring Security Guards for Companies?

The Advantages of Hiring Security Guards for Companies:

Security plays a crucial role in the smooth running of any business. A business requires equal proportions of attention given to employees, valuables, and security. We often tend to underestimate the intrinsic value of the ‘security guard’ who sits up at night while we sleep soundly. Private security guards have supplemented law enforcement for several decades.

From residential living to corporate and businesses, it is important to hire security guards. Get security guard services in Hyderabad

Protection for your business establishments:

When your business is open, security guards are friendly faces that make clients or customers feel at ease while providing information and directions if asked. The presence of security provides peace of mind and a sense of comfort. But at night, they can also make sure your business remains impenetrable from thieves and burglars. Hiring effective guards also increases employee retention, especially in businesses that are located in high-risk areas or those that sell high-end products.

Help to avoid Crimes at a Workplace:

A professional security guard will protect your facility. They do this by mitigating risks including vandalism, thefts, and assaults.
These individuals are also trained to detect any suspicious activity. Once found, they can also take the proper steps before the issue escalates. Additionally, the security guard can help law enforcement agencies solve crimes that occur on the premises.

Customer Service Improved:

To guide the clients in the right direction inside the office building, a security guard is required. When you hire a security guard, they can also provide basic customer services. 
A guard will have access to an area and interact with customers and clients. In the instance of any issue with the customer, security guards will be present to help them out. Hiring personable and capable guards lets you communicate that your business is secure and customer-oriented.

Security Guards Ensure safety & Keep Your Premises under Surveillance:

Security guards also patrol your property, monitor security cameras, control room operations, respond to alarms and even operate a security gate. 

Employees, especially those working late hours’ feel safe and secured when security guards are around the said premises. In other words, a private security company provides a sense of heightened security, as it can deal with security issues efficiently.


Having armed guards also sends a message to delinquents that you are serious about protecting your business. If a security guard is present, then it’s a heads up for the thieves to think twice before targeting the area or company. Thieves will think twice about targeting a business that has uniformed protection.

It ensures uniform protection. Professional guards are trained to look for suspicious activity on the spot and react accordingly. Hire Security Services in Hyderabad

Provide a Quick Response Time

Security guards are trained in such a way that they know how to respond and act to a different situation in the right manner. Security guards will quickly respond to any situation that may arise on your business premises.
If they find any vehicle or person suspicious, they might even take down details and contact the police. A security guard will be relatively quick to respond to a situation immediately till the arrival of the police at your place.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Security guard services in Hyderabad | Dial Facility

Security guard services -Increasing of IT-Companies and Other high-profile business corporate Offices, there is a huge demand in the market for High-level security services. Dial Facility Offer professional Security guard services to the corporate offices, commercial buildings and other related businesses based on their requirements.

Call Now To Book Our Service: 8886410001


#3rd Floor, Highmark Chambers, Khajaguda X Road, Near Raidurgam Police Station, Hyderabad -500032